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Butyl Rubber Stopper for 20mm Crimp Vials

The butyl rubber stopper is an off-white rubber-like solid with a density of 0.92g/cm3. It is odorless, insoluble in water, and soluble in hexane and chloroform. The product also has low air permeability, good airtightness, and good resistance. Ozone resistance, chemical resistance, electrical insulation, flexibility resistance, heat aging resistance, energy absorption and other characteristics.

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The butyl rubber stopper is an off-white rubber-like solid with a density of 0.92g/cm3. It is odorless, insoluble in water, and soluble in hexane and chloroform. The product also has low air permeability, good airtightness, and good resistance. Ozone resistance, chemical resistance, electrical insulation, flexibility resistance, heat aging resistance, energy absorption and other characteristics.

The main component of butyl rubber is polyisobutylene. However, the methyl group in polyisobutylene has large steric obstacles, so the thermal motion of the molecules is not active, so its gas permeability is smaller than that of synthetic rubber, and the molecules are double The number of bonds in the main chain is very small, so it has very good resistance to ultraviolet rays, ozone and weather resistance, and also high heat resistance.

Advantages :

(1) It has good air tightness and minimal air permeability.

(2) Very good high temperature resistance.

(3) Good ozone resistance and weather resistance.

(4) Alkali and acid medium solvents.

(5) Poor water absorption and good radiation resistance


Material: Butyl Rubber
Diameter: 20mm
Feature: Flat
Suitable for 20mm Crimp Vials

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