High Quality of 2ml Amber Vials for Sale
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High Quality of 2ml Amber Vials for Sale

May. 7th, 2020
Consistent quality at an affordable price: excellent chromatography vials.

The 2ml Hplc Amber Vials are available in three different types, screw, snap and crimp vials and can be selected according to your experimental requirements. 

Crimp vials have the highest sealing properties and should be used with hand crimper. Snap vials are the easiest to operate and crimp vials are now the most popular on the market.

2ml Hplc Amber Vials
 from Aijiren incorporate a design that accurately concentrates inserts of limited capacity on the vial neck to ensure reliable use in autosamplers.

These 2ml Hplc Amber Vials are ideal for daily chromatography experiments in laboratories. The autosampler vials combine the best quality and consistent results at low cost. Please use 2ml Hplc Amber Vials with your research.